Category: Alap szöveg
Vitálvár Kft.

About Krill Omega

About Krill Omega




Segíthet a családnak You can help your family avoid cardiovascular diseases. Hozzájárulhat a koleszterin szint szabájozáshoz It might help you or your family to maintain a healthy cholesterol level.
Javíthatja gyrmeke tanulási készségét It can have a positive effect on the productivity, and mental performance of your children, helping them study. Mérsékelheti az izületi gyulladásokat It may reduce inflammatory responses in case of joint problems.
Megkönnyítheti menstruációs időszakát For the ladies: it can help you through PMS.  Tegyen az egészségest életmódért Krill Omega fogyasztásával Take control of your health using Krill-Omega3: order now!
Do you care what kind of supplements your family takes? Our 100% clear NKO® Krill-Omega3 oil does not contain low bio available ingredients, like fish oil. Our Krill-Omega3 is prepared by a special method keeping all the natural astaxanthin, and most of the other healthy agents found in krill, completely intact.
You may buy NKO® Krill-Omega3 oil online, or even in person.

 vasarloi tapasztalatok-angol


"I give my son Krill-Omega3 quite often, but mainly near the end of a school semester, when there is a lot of stress in his life. Thanks to this product, my son is more focused, and can perform better in his studies."

Szeged, R. Nóra (38 éves)

 "First time I heard about Krill oil was when I read about it in a magazine. It claimed that krill also contain the necessary unsaturated fatty acids, not just fish. I was curious, and now I can safely say, Krill is a way better source of Omega-3 than fish oil. I can wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone."

Cegléd, M. Kata (31 éves)

